Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Last Word of the Year

One must keep in mind that these essays are written for the writer and aren’t necessarily meant to be instructive for others.  It’s been almost 10 years since the first of the “morning pages” was written and 5 years since this blog was opened.

It was stated in the beginning what the ground rules were for this blog; 1000 words or less, sometimes random thoughts, always thoughts that were in the fore of the writer’s thinking at the moment.  Many of the entries are developmental in that they are an expression of what is on the mind of the writer at the time he is writing and not the finished product of analysis.

Unlike theses and dissertations, these entries are the informal thoughts of a traveler along the path in search of reasonable answers to the meaning of life and living.  The path is long and meandering, sometimes to the point of making the reader doubt the veracity of the writer.  In this the reader is not alone, sometimes the writer, reading the essays, doubts what was written.  The essays nonetheless are an honest expression of what was on the writer’s mind at the time.

The question of atheism comes up in the mind of the writer.  It can be concluded that the concept of God is a handy cop-out to real thinking about what is and has been going on for millions of years, as near an eternity as there is.  As a matter of fact, if you ask 10 people to tell you what is God you will get ten different answers.  They may all have similarity but there is no definitive statement as to what is God.

As for creation or evolution; life on the planet today is the result of incremental intelligent choices made by organized life as it reproduces.  Just as one can look back on the results of any organization, be it a company or a government, and plot the evolution of thinking that took it to where it is today, so too can one do this for organized life.

There is only the choice made in each reproduction; in the analogous organization, the choice made in each decision.  There is no way of knowing what will happen next, only what has already happened.

Just as all of life is only one generation from extinction, so too it is changing incrementally based on reproductive choices.  That is evolution; it is guided only by the intelligent choice made at the time of reproduction.

Since it is my contention that there is a spiritual side to beings, it follows that just as that side manages the day to day activities of the being it also manages the reproductive choices that are made.  And furthermore, the beings in question are all of organized life from the simplest to the most complex and not just we humans.

All of life exists on the surface of the Earth in a layer from the highest to the lowest level of 11 miles thick on a sphere that has a radius of 4000 miles or 0.00275; on a sphere with a diameter of a foot, that would be 0.0169 inches about 1/64 of an inch; not very much.

It can also be noted that life has not been definitively found elsewhere in the universe but is unique to this planet.  Is it an accidental phenomenon or the result of some spiritual, in the sense of not physical, influence that occurred on the one planet that could support organized life as we know it?

Once begun, the intelligent choices made by reproducing organisms have brought us to where we are today.  Looking back on the record, the argument for evolution is made but looking ahead one can see the argument for incremental intelligent choice.

Those same choices, made by a multitude of predecessors and contemporaries, make it possible for me to sit here and record these thoughts and, perhaps, for a reader to be stimulated to think for himself.

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