Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Food for the Soul

It's obvious to the casual observer that there are interesting differences between humans and the rest of the organisms in the life sphere.  To name just a few: language and historical records using it, clothes that do more than cover and insulate, but provide status and rank, and landfills.  There are many others not listed here.  No other species has these.  There are also many myths surrounding these differences, one of which is that of the Garden of Eden.

The central idea of that is a willingness to become spiritually aware, making a choice to become enlightened.  It is called "Original Sin," but was it a sin?  Sin is defined as "...an offense against religious or moral law." That base is covered by the "Don't eat the fruit..." admonition, how convenient.

The story is a fable that attempts to explain this condition of difference.  The real reason is unknown.  But one cannot escape the fact that we are not the same as the rest.

I have my theory, but it won't be written here.  Perhaps in my journal, but just like all the rest, it is theory and would not survive the scrutiny of scholars.  Yet, I don't care about that.  My theory suits me just fine, and I think it explains why things are the way they are.

I would urge the reader to think about this and not accept the pap of myth, but come to an understanding of his/her own.  Thoughts are the food, the nourishment, of the soul.  And, like food, some is more nutritious than another, but most of it is somewhat nourishing. 

It is better to produce ideas than to accept those of others.  Feed your soul and it will grow and develop in a healthy and vigorous way as a result of the particularly favorable environment of your thinking.

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