Monday, November 19, 2018

The Icing (The Niceties)

We have the four necessities, our basic needs: nourishment, sleep, participation, and sexual expression.  We act to satisfy them as long as we have them, some a lifetime.  The other times of our lifetime determine who we were, who we are, and who we want to be.  Satisfaction of the basic needs requires time, an interval of life, wherein the need is met and satisfied.  When satisfied, there is a silence, of sorts, wherein the being can contemplate and make his next move.

For each need, then, there is a respite, a freedom from that need.  During this respite the deeper levels of the being can make progress towards achieving the goals that support Aim.  Aim is the end to which "Master" is working.

It is impossible to state with any certainty what is the Aim of "Master."  A stab at it would be: to achieve a state of existence that no longer depends on the physical world, in other words, to become a spiritual entity.

I think that a whole other world exists; one that is spiritual, or not physical, wherein entities exist in peaceful or not so peaceful states.  There could be rules and laws in that realm as well as in our own; laws that, when violated, carry with them repercussions.

When at peace, constructively doing whatever spiritual entities do, such as manipulating life in the living physical world to develop along certain lines, then all is well.

There could be those whose lifetime, i.e. their most recent physical inhabitation, was violated by another in such a cruel way that they bring vengeance upon that other.  There are true stories of perpetrators of heinous crimes, including wars, being brought to justice in ways that drip of spiritual intervention.

This implies that there is a force for good and a force for evil.  Good and evil, then, need definition.  Good may be what is done to advance the existence of life and evil may be that which violates or undermines it.  This is a veritable ice-berg of a thought.

The litmus test of a lifetime is what we did/do; if it advances the aim of Master AND allows others to do so, it is good.  If it doesn't, even if that means having done nothing, then it is evil.  There is only good and evil.

So in living a successful life a being's needs are satisfied and other actions/ inactions advance Master towards his Aim.

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