Ok, I am going to start writing this one and see if it can be made to be understood. It could be a bit like the three blind fakirs describing the elephant, each felt a different part of the elephant, each a different description.
The concept of “presents” was introduced in these notes a while back, perhaps before they were put into the blog. Simply stated a “present” is a situation in which the Being is involved; it can be a course of action taken to accomplish something, or a predicament imposed by life experiences involving others or not. There are many presents that are being pursued simultaneously and with varying degrees of success at any given second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, decade, and lifetime. They vary in duration, some are completed quickly, others are never completed but abandoned, still others continue sporadically or constantly for a lifetime.
An example of the overlays that occur would be getting bachelor degree. One has a dream to do so and begins a whole series of “presents” that eventually lead to graduation. These include registration, scheduling time to meet requirements, attendance, homework, preparation for exams, interaction with other students and faculty, recreation, maintenance of diet, health, transportation, wardrobe, and sanity. Plus all the while this is happening, the Being may be involved in a job where he has other demands of schedule, responsibility, and attendance; he may be involved in a romantic liaison/or two, he may have other endeavors that he pursues, there are family situations with which to deal, extracurricular organizations and activities in which he is involved. Each of these is a “present” and not all of them vector towards getting a bachelor degree; some even vector in an opposing direction. They combine in a Boolean sense and he may get his degree or not. This whole mélange is what happens during a lifetime of dreams (career, love, riches, and renown.)
There is a sage adage that says, “Life is what happens while you’re waiting for your dreams to come true.” Life in this adage refers to everything else to which one must attend while working to attain his dream(s). It is the day job that an actor must have.
There is a graveyard of dreams; interred therein are what could have been. The rest of this entry is an attempt to understand how to achieve a dream and then the next “et ainsi de suite.”
The powerful force for achieving a dream is a persona that has been given the name Driver. Since that naming he has been further described in a previous blog as Super Johnny. That blog described an aspect of him that emerges when he does not have a clear direction; it is a distracted Driver. The success of the Being depends on how clearly Driver understands the dream. A good Driver will keep a balance of activities such that the Being pursues all the necessary “presents” but likewise successfully works to achieve the dream.
A good question is from whence the dream? It may bubble up from the depths of the Being’s experience in this and former lifetimes; it may be a consensus reached by/of other personae; it may have been articulated by personae that have an axe to grind from the distractions of pride and/or vanity. IOW it can come from almost any interior source of desire or dissatisfaction. And then there’s the complication of more than one dream. More than one can be achieved, in fact often some minor dreams are fulfilled while a major one or more are in progress.
Articulating dreams is a major activity. The brain processes impressions, it reacts to stimulation. It seems that the human brain has become sensitive to language and acts in response to verbal as well as sensual impressions. Sensual impressions are reactive, IOW they cause the brain-body to act in order to ease discomfort or experience pleasure. Words have become a link between imagination and sensual reaction.
The brain-body has the mental capacity to remember, to imagine, to reason, which is directed imagination, to reach conclusions, and decide to take action or refrain. This tool of imagination is where the dream is conceived and reasoning is the tool used to work out the realization of that dream. Language has become our way of making dreams real.
The Personae and the brain-body are easily distracted by events occurring around them and lose focus easily. One of the major tasks of Driver is to assure that appropriate personae pursue dreams. There are a multitude of personae, so many different dreams can be pursued simultaneously. The way that Driver can be kept from distraction is to have the dreams articulated in concise written language and use that as a reminder of what is desired until a strong sensual impression is formed. Remembering has become the weakest of the brain-body faculties and the recorded word was invented about five thousand years ago to assist recall.
Transforming dreams from articulated ideas to strong sensual impressions is difficult to achieve without a strong emotional impulse being involved. This is a good thing; otherwise we would be frenetically going in diverse directions, out of control. Working through articulation to impression allows maturation of the dream to assure that it is the desired result after all. It could be that the occasional strong sensual impression that is made is accepted or rejected by Master.
These occasional strong sensual impressions can form dreams that are pursued without articulation. These are sometimes operating in the background without the effort of Driver becoming involved. These dreams can be from this or previous lifetimes and pursued by personae who are working more or less independently to fulfill Master’s desires.
Master is working to fulfill the requirements of reaching some level of existence that is difficult to imagine and therefore articulate, so he works in mysterious ways. He is mute, he is patient, and he is strong. The other members of the team do what they can to fulfill his requirements; it is wonderful if they are successful; if not there is always another lifetime, forever.
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