It seems that this is a good thing to do before I begin my plotting and scheming for the week ahead. It is always better to get one’s head cleared of distracting thoughts before going into the planning mode. There are so many distractions out there that erasing the board is important before setting down some distinct accomplishments for the week ahead. And too, it is good to give some thought to the things that are already out there, planned for the week ahead.
There is also a trap into which one may fall, i.e. thinking too much about some one thing or another, especially speculating about what others may be thinking about this or that. It has been my experience that others don’t think about that which we think they are. At the same time there have been instances when the imagery of another’s thoughts has been so strong that it seemed that we were somehow in tune. Yes, I believe that our thoughts are communicated in some manner one to another, especially when in the close proximity of the other and even when not.
The possibility that we can communicate thought(s) through sound, and I don't mean the words said, seems to be somewhat real. I notice when encountering an animal, especially a barking dog, if I think kindly thoughts and whistle softly in its direction, it stops barking and calms down. Same with horses; if one approaches them with a soft whistle while giving thought to what is desired, say to take them to ride, the horse seems to acquiesce. G. advised Madam Dehartman to keep her mind focused on renting the required rooms for the required price and not to be concerned with the topic of conversation, IOW to stay focused mentally on the desired even while talking about s.t. else; and in this case she got the rooms for the desired price.
There seems to be a communication that occurs that transcends spoken words and this is the value of face-to-face conversations/meetings. Although I think that it can occur on telephone or even Email. On telephone by the nuances of the voice, by word choice, hesitations, IOW the emotional content. In Email, it could be emotional content stored in the content of the message, usually word combinations. That may be it; there is an emotional component to the communication that is conveyed during the intellectual passing of information. In the case of animals, unless it is an animal that has come to understand certain sounds, it is completely an emotional reaction to what is perceived.
Humans, due to the high content of Intellectual source in their being, have developed words/language to convey the message content; and the development of writing, which freezes the words in/on media for interpretation by others, even after all the parties to the communication are dead and gone.
Our lives are governed by such; some examples are the constitution of the United States, laws, the Bible, the Koran. These interpretations are often rehydrated with emotional content when currently considered. The Islam debacle, the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, the missionary zealots of all faiths, are examples of emotional inflation of sometimes ancient writings.
Yet even with all of these added features, humans contemporaneously communicate on the emotional level and do it without even knowing it. Some are more aware of it than others; people involved in theater seem to have an uncanny sense of this. It is called intuition, and they are so confident of their ability with it that they make decisions about people based on it. Understanding that this is true, laws have been passed and enforced by agencies of various governments on down to human resources departments of organizations, to eliminate the emotional content of dealing with those in an organization.
As an aside, it seems that many laws are passed to take emotional responses out of consideration. History has demonstrated that emotional responses are irrational and lead to actions that are later found to be inappropriate. Take capital punishment for example, the representatives of society have said that certain people are deemed so undesirable that they are not to remain a part of society, no matter how remotely they are kept from it. Since no one wants to be guilty of wrong doing in carrying out this sentence, there are often long delays from the pronouncement to the execution.
There are ways to verify all of the above but I won’t take the time nor commit the resources required to do so. It is the same with many conclusions reached in my thinking. They are good enough for me and I don’t make them dogmatic so that if later evidence shows them to be erroneous, I discard them. This is called development. At the same time, I don’t preach or argue the point with anyone and this is because I haven’t gone beyond the “I think…” phase of it.
I want a horse to train for eventing; this is a strong desire and one that has been with me for many years now; at least since riding here in Kentucky and at the Horse Park on Alice. At this juncture I have the time, the money, and the inclination.
I wonder about my motives. Is it my misanthropy? Is it my reluctance to engage with others and seeing the association with a big strong animal like a horse as a substitution? Perhaps it is.
“People are more interesting than horses,” is a conclusion I reached early in my career but now I am not interested in having people do my will, but I still want to impose my will on some living creature and as far as I am concerned a horse is only second to people. Furthermore, the horse doesn’t try to impose its will on me; or woe to it if it does.
People always eventually go their own way so there is no permanence in a relationship. The horse will be there, as long as I want it to be, whereas people can opt out of a relationship at any time.