Sunday, December 8, 2013

On Matters Sexual

There are in each of us personae who are masculine and those that are feminine.  Our bodies are one or the other except in rare instances but the personae are not physical and may be either.

There are probably many personae of each persuasion.  And to call the tendency masculine or feminine may be erroneous but there is not a better terminology to use.  There are tendencies toward active and passive, hard and soft, tough and tender in response to situations but even these don't give a satisfactory frame of reference so we use masculine and feminine and all that these terms imply.

There are cases where the male body has a predominance of female personae to the extent that he takes on the personality of a woman and vice-versa.  There have been physical sex changes for some of the more extreme cases.

There have been, in my experience, instances where hormonal balance was slightly out of kilter and women have had to shave what can only be described as whiskers off of their faces and men have taken on the bodily characteristics of women due to sebaceous fat.  It only stands to reason that after a trillion or so iterations that there are anomalies of varying degrees.

Often told that there is a feminine side to all men and a masculine side to all women by authors and therapists and coming slowly to admit it after observing it in me and others; I've finally arrived at an understanding of it.  Rather than try to express it here and open Pandora’s Box, I will simply say that I understand it and leave it at what has already been written.

The Sexual source of the brain-body, as with the others, is affected by external impressions and internal physical conditions that cause personae to be stimulated.  For men the conditions could be a full supply of semen and associated hormonal levels that illicit pressures for ejaculation; and for women ovulation and the secretion of hormones associated with that event could illicit what is felt as a need for fulfillment.  Thus it can be reasoned that the need for sexual expression may be induced by imagination or by bodily conditions or both, one preceding the other depending on the circumstances of the moment.

The chain of events may also be put into motion by genetic memory of another who by chance is encountered in a present life but was also a partner in a relationship in a past life.  This is reasonable but  arguable but nonetheless needs to be stated.  One could surmise that "love" could occur for this reason as well as many other reasons related to current and past existences.

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