Monday, November 6, 2023

Ying and Yang


The Hyatt-Regency, downtown, has a public face and a working face.  The public face is well decorated and ornate, comfortable, subdued, peaceful.  The working face is well used, bruised walls, worn flooring, glaring lights, echoing sounds, somewhat disarranged.  One would never mistake one for the other.  The public face is there to please the customers, the working face is there to get the job done. 

Two twenty-something year olds at the pool table, playing in the league week after week.  Two tougher "bitches" you will never meet, their language will blister paint, and they're good at the game of pool.  Same two were encountered where they work, as waitstaff in a restaurant.  One would never encounter sweeter, more pleasant and innocent sounding individuals anywhere; "Yes ma'am."  "No ma'am."  "Was everything OK sir?"  If I couldn't see their faces, I'd never know it was the same two people.

The management level of an apartment complex couldn't be more solicitous of the residents.  Yet they can't keep staff because they are somewhat abusive to those who work for them.  

The drama professor who is a congenial, "hail fellow well met," outside the class or rehearsal, but becomes a bully and tyrant leading a class or directing a rehearsal.

And there are many of these examples.  I'm sure the reader has likewise encountered them.  It behooves us to realize this and do a little introspection.  

The successful one is he/she who homogenizes the two internally.  They may not be all sweetness and light but at the same time they are not all thorns and venom.  An honest embrace of the Human Relation Principles, internalizing them for actions/reactions to all, is the aim to which we aspire.

If we don't see us for what we are/do, we can't change.  This message is for all.  Be good, sincerely, to everyone, always.

Oh, what are the Human Relations Principles?  Find the book, How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, and read the timeless truth.