Saturday, March 19, 2022



Marketing uses media, be it television, radio, or print, to manipulate thinking and attempts to influence actions.  We are urged to try, buy, and favorably look upon things that they are promoting.  To wit: count the number of alcoholic drinks in a TV drama, watch old movies and notice the incessant smoking, purveyors pay a lot of money to have their product displayed and used in a movie or TV show.  All of these subtleties are there to influence our acceptance of the idea. 

Lately, there is a subtle, yet profound, influence being peddled, i.e., the homogenization of Americans.  There is a disproportionate representation of inter-racial coupling in the advertising and program content that we see.  One can only wonder what the source is of this initiative. There is a movement on to racially homogenize the American population.

None of this happens accidentally, none of these ads and programs inadvertently contain racially mixed couples, they are being paid to do so and show them as if they were the majority of couples out there.   Someone is behind this.  Someone, or group, is paying for it.  There is a movement on to racially homogenize the American population.

There are many examples of racially mixed couples but not to the extent of what is seen in media nowadays.  One could back this statement with statistics if the time was taken to do so but it would only verify what is being seen.  There is a movement on to racially homogenize the American population.

Who's behind this?  Who is the wizard behind the curtain?  

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