Saturday, March 19, 2022



Marketing uses media, be it television, radio, or print, to manipulate thinking and attempts to influence actions.  We are urged to try, buy, and favorably look upon things that they are promoting.  To wit: count the number of alcoholic drinks in a TV drama, watch old movies and notice the incessant smoking, purveyors pay a lot of money to have their product displayed and used in a movie or TV show.  All of these subtleties are there to influence our acceptance of the idea. 

Lately, there is a subtle, yet profound, influence being peddled, i.e., the homogenization of Americans.  There is a disproportionate representation of inter-racial coupling in the advertising and program content that we see.  One can only wonder what the source is of this initiative. There is a movement on to racially homogenize the American population.

None of this happens accidentally, none of these ads and programs inadvertently contain racially mixed couples, they are being paid to do so and show them as if they were the majority of couples out there.   Someone is behind this.  Someone, or group, is paying for it.  There is a movement on to racially homogenize the American population.

There are many examples of racially mixed couples but not to the extent of what is seen in media nowadays.  One could back this statement with statistics if the time was taken to do so but it would only verify what is being seen.  There is a movement on to racially homogenize the American population.

Who's behind this?  Who is the wizard behind the curtain?  

Monday, March 14, 2022

Daylight Savings Time et al

In the USA, we changed our clocks on Sunday, March 13 at 2AM, to one hour later; two o’clock became three o’clock.  It demonstrates that clocks are a tool that we use to guide our actions. We have harnessed the passing of the present to allow a reference.  It is only for us because everything else doesn’t really care.

Often, I have mused on this, so I won’t belabor the point here.  It does, however, bear notice.  And now I am into it.  Without the clock, we would never be on time.  Without it, the past would be forgotten.  We would live in the present and not be concerned with the future.    It is sad to think that we would not be aware of the rich and wonderful history that has been recorded.  Lifetimes would, in all probability, be shorter and, perhaps, a lot less productive.  Things would not get done unless there was a clear and imminent danger.

The clock has made a big difference for us and a close relative of it is the calendar, sort of a daily clock.  We humans finally figured it out and described it mathematically in terms of days, weeks, months, year and the quadrennial leap year.  What we use has been unchanged since 1582, a reference that couldn’t be made without it.

 Along that timeline there have been only a few proposed changes, e.g., the French, at the time of their revolution, proposed a different calendar but is was short-lived because the rest of the world said no.  So, perfect or not, it is what we use and in so doing we have consistency and this is important for now, then, and ever.

Going larger; the planet Earth is host to life.  As far as we know, from our vantage point on it, it is the only such place.  It may be unique in the universe.  The conditions required for life exist hereon in a band from the deepest trench in the ocean to the highest peak, a band of about 13 miles on a radius of about 4,000 miles.  The orbit around the sun is just the right distance to provide temperatures between -50 degrees Celsius to +50 degrees.  The axis is tilted to allow for large areas to experience life supporting seasonal changes. These conditions and the following  are essential for it to exist.   

The Earth and its moon, now thought to be the result of a planetary collision between two precursors, are locked in orbit.  The moon is in an almost north-south orbit around the Earth that causes oceanic tides, and to a minor extent land tides, that prevent stagnation.  Then there’s the atmosphere that is constantly in flux caused by thermal influences and barometrical fluctuation, which also cause a variety of conditions, always changing.

Going deeper, the planet has a fractured crust that floats on a core of molten material that ranges from a mixture of minerals to iron.  Because it is molten, i.e., plastic, the fractured pieces of crust are in continuous motion allowing their relative positions to change, even with some rising above and diving below each other.  All of this likewise adds to the ever changing, never stagnating, nature of the Earthly environment.  

Life continues in this everchanging habitat and just maybe because of it.  It changes according to a set of reproductive rules that cannot be broken. In this living band, there is enough latitude to allow for evolution and, therefore, changes to biological species. Evolving according to that set of reproductive rules.

And when things get too far out of kilter, a cataclysm occurs to “reset” the stage for the next “act.”  The question may be asked, have humans become such a danger to the planet that a reset might occur?  Don’t say no, it happened to much of life about 16 million years ago.

So, for all of this to happen accidentally is a bit of a stretch.  Ergo a guiding intelligence must be in play; eternal, omniscient, and not governed by mathematics or other physical relationships but at the same time respecting them and never violating them because he/it established these relationships to provide physical harmony.  He/it uses them to affect change and uses all that exists in the physical world to carry out his/its will.  So yes there is a spiritual realm that is intimately involved with life.