Saturday, March 21, 2020

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Clocks

We watched Sunrise Sunset about the Dalai Llama; a most interesting movie.  In it he talked about time in terms of minutes and seconds.  He misses an important truth.

We are not governed by the clock except that we are constructed such that we need rest and sleep to recover mentally and physically from the rigors of the day.  It just so happens that as the earth turns there's a period of darkness that lends itself, conveniently, to sleeping.

My thoughts are that a human being, or any living organism, has at least three influences that affect him (and I use "him" because it is the convention that, at least until recently, has been used).  One influence comes from the needs of the body, the physical needs of nutrition, relief, and rest.  Then there are the human influences from imagination and reasoning often stimulated by interaction with others.  Finally, there's the influence from the spiritual world that exists beyond our ken.

These influences result in motivation to accomplish something, to take action, or be involved in something; to achieve some sort of result and that desired result is an Aim.  And there are many more than one going on simultaneously.  They can be independent or overlap in a Boolean sort of way.

Working on Aim can be considered as being in the present and it has a duration that is not measured by the clock.  An Aim lasts until it is achieved, satisfied, or abandoned.  Working on Aims requires reasoning and decision.  What do I do right now?

A conscious Aim has the components of a Dream, a Goal, an Objective, and a Task.  We go through life working on Aim, conscious or not, and satisfying the physical needs of the body, which in itself can even be considered an Aim; addiction being an extreme example.

In the background, mute and observing, is Master whose influence is only felt when his Aim is not being advanced.

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