Friday, June 7, 2019


At some point in our deliberations, our imagining of and deciding on what we want, we become convinced that (a) we, in fact, want this; and (b) that we can get it.  We can get whatever we want by using our personal and physical assets but to get it we have to be convinced that we want it and can get it.

This process is developing from the time we experience hunger as an infant until we die.  During the interim we make many false starts, make many mistakes taking actions that are ill conceived, defying the laws of physics.   Some defy the rules and we wind up in trouble with the authorities.  Some even go so far as to break the law and we plead stupidity when caught.  It's what we call experience; increasing our judgement.

Recognizing what we want is part of the process, then finding out and learning how to get it is an equally important part of it; becoming convinced that we want and can do this is the trigger to getting it.

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