Sunday, March 5, 2017

Good Reviews, In My Dreams

This morning, I awoke from a dream.  Once again I was in the shipyard offices working, but this time I was a total success.  People were coming to me instead of ignoring me, treating me with respect instead of disdain.  I was "at home" as I walked through the corridors off the lobby, which were all marble and outfitted with art deco glass and light globes.  I was approving important documents for collecting money for work.  A rather bright, intelligent young man was asking me for advice on how best to get ahead there because he was applying for work.

This is quite a contrast to my usual shipyard dream.  I am, until this one, always feeling shunned, as if I am marked for deletion but no one is willing to talk about it with me. The shipyard is my recurring dream and, until this last one, almost a night mare.

When I thought about it, I think it may be that I am feeling the success of my portrayal of Joe Cabot in Reservoir Dogs.  The audiences have been most complimentary and volunteered their enthusiastic review of my efforts.  It is a sad commentary that I feel good about my life and performances so few times but that's the way it is/was.

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