Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Big Step(s).

The continuum of realizing a dream continues so long as the dream remains in place.  All the while I make/take little steps towards my aims, I feel that I don't recognize the major steps that could be taken to get there and, therefore in retrospect, a lot of time is lost in the process.  I am walking along instead of running.  Yet until I recognize them, until they slap me on the back of my head, I will continue to apply efforts, however inconsequential, to be ready to go when the time comes.

Wobbling, unsteady
Taking little baby steps
Walking then running

As a full adult
Taking little baby steps
Will never reach Aim

But even these steps
In the proper direction
Will allow progress

Take the baby steps
With an eye on the big prize
Ready for running

Sooner or later
One must be in the running
Or never get there

Personal assets
Physical and financial
Adding connections

Only if you know
Deep inside your heart of hearts
What you want to have

This we call the dream
Always there, in the background
Guiding every step

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