Friday, February 7, 2020

Crossing the Frozen Lake

I feel like I'm crossing a frozen lake.

Until now, the surface of the lake was frozen to a thickness that was virtually impenetrable.  Now, as I walk along through life, hearing, seeing, feeling, observing, participating, I get the notion that the ice, i.e. the barrier between me and truth, is much thinner.  I understand things from the past, of not only mine but also the lives of people present and past, and accept those impressions, those little bubbles of understanding, without too much argument or analysis.

It seems that a key element of understanding more is to avoid analysis, or over-thinking, and accept the insight as is.  This may be because they are insights and not conclusions.

By the same token, I will not, would not, publicize (with these notable exceptions) my insights because society does not readily accept them as is.  Society requires that any published idea must be attacked and defended until it is "purified" by same and made acceptable.  Most of the time to be upturned by later, better findings.

The make-up of the Universe is a good case in point.  There have been theories since the beginning about it and all of them proven untrue, or at least incomplete.  The only one to remain after all challenges is the existence of the force of attraction between masses, i.e. gravity.

Even this, however, may be modified in the future by something that includes, what is now thought of as, the other component, i.e. energy.  And, who knows, there may be other components that we don't even suspect.

I am not proposing that we do away with proof and accept insights as truth.  I am, however, acknowledging the importance of insights as a possible starting point for finding truth.  I can accept my own as truth, or at least an indication of truth, but I am careful not to promulgate my half-baked theories on others.

I continue my trek across the frozen lake as I hear the barrier ice crack, whine, whistle, and pop under my step.  If it ever gives way, what then.  Would I drown/ perish in the truth, the enormity of it?

Being alive, living as a physical being, protected from the "awful" truth is one thing.  Does death of the physical body allow us to plunge into the depth of truth?  And if we can't accept or acclimate to it, is that the end of our individual existence? Do we reincarnate to try again?

And if we can accept the truth, are we on yet another journey of discovery? Much like our fascination with the Universe, we may find out more and more as we can accept it and sort of understand it.

We are of, and on, this earth and yet our mind, in contrast to our brain, allows us to imagine more than what we can perceive with our senses.  Imagination and reasoning are tools of the mind, they take us beyond the physical limits of our experiences.  There are observations and conclusions, however, that defy mathematics and science.