Sunday, September 22, 2019

Intelligence and Technology/ The Next Phase

A man (me) came upon a drunk (technologists) looking for car keys under a streetlight (digital technology.)  He asked the drunk what he was doing.  The drunk replied, "I'm looking for my car keys;" (the next phase of digital technology,  i.e. artificial intelligence.)   The man says, where did you lose them?  The drunk says, over there in that dark field (the ecologically balanced earth for the past 4.5 billion years.)  The man says, what are you doing looking for them over here?  The drunk says, it's too dark to find anything over there.

It seems to me that this sums up the current situation with digital technology.  The practitioners think that circuitry is the answer when the biological evidence is telling them something else; but then they don't understand what that could be.