Friday, November 16, 2012

Whither 2012 and On

Continuing with thinking about “The Wisdom of Dreams,” it follows that in order to dream about having something more than or different from what one currently is experiencing, one has to at least verbalize that dream.  Our minds communicate internally using language so in order for all the pertinent personae to be able to work towards the attainment of a Dream thoughts have to be transmitted to them; for this we use language as the basic means.

There are other means.  Since we experience environment through the five senses, then all of these can be, and should be used to qualify the dream so it can be understood by all.  Then there are the esoteric sources of Aim/Dream that have a great deal of influence on what we do; these are understood by a very few but available to all.

These means are beyond the scope of my understanding at the moment but are, however, understood to exist. Since they are neither rational nor sensual they may well be termed Spiritual, i.e., coming from sources that are not physical.  Some that come to mind are: influences from Universal Consciousness into which we tap from time to time and those that Master brings from past experiences that he wants to complete or experience again at a different level.

 These spiritual Aims are not necessarily verbalized nor sensed in any way but exist and their presence is evident from acts that seem random; efforts that take place but are not reasonably intended, places in which we find ourselves but have no reason for being, people we encounter in the course of events seemingly accidently, people to whom we are attracted, things to which we tend without rational intention.

There is little rational control over these Aims, they will be pursued in this lifetime or the next and so on; but pursued they will be until permanency is attained. When that happens, there is no longer a need for a physical presence to pursue aim and the Being moves on but to where, there is no clue. 

If one can accept that there is a Master inside this Brain-body that is bound to it but at the same time apart from it, then one is better able to understand the previous paragraph.  Meanwhile, in order to keep this Brain-body interested in the events of this lifetime, attempts need to be made to discover the esoteric Aim and work towards achieving it as the Brain-body verbalizes its own Dreams/ Aims.

As long as these are not in conflict with those of Master there is no dissonance and these Dreams/Aims can be pursued without causing angst.  It has been my experience that when pursuing s.t. that was later seen in conflict with the Aim of Master, all sorts of physical and emotional issues arose until it was abandoned and once again peace and harmony descended upon the Brain-body.  This could be confused with conscience but it is somewhat more than that.

This leads to the conclusion that one can do whatever he wants as long as it is not at cross-purposes with the Aim of Master.  Much of what we want and wind up doing may come from past life experiences where we participated in some activity/endeavor and it was pleasant and enjoyable and now those previous experiences are sought once again.  These can explain why we live in this or that location, this or that house, enjoy visiting this or that location, reading about this or that previous set of events, doing this or that activity, and/or having this or that possession.

Concurrency exists among the Master, past lifetimes, and the current lifetime as long as there is no major antimony of Aims.  A way to assure this harmony is to examine those Dreams/Aims that we can verbalize and make reasonable assurance that they are in harmony with the current status of the Brain-body.

A way to do this is to take the Planning Categories, Life Categories, and Traits and Features that are used and make a determination of how well satisfied one is with the current state of affairs; reaffirm this dream or change it to one that more completely, more appropriately leads one to where he would like to be or go.

In order to make this analysis, a sheet has been added to Planning Evolution that is an examination of each of these, starting with where I thought it would be now but made at the end of 2011; state whether to keep on this track or not; If not, to what would it change; if yes, what meaningful change is indicated; then assess the degree of desire and the degree of effort for achieving it.

The planning time is from the solstice to the New Year but this analysis may precede that by some weeks because it will take time and more than one pass to make it meaningful.  It stands to reason that planning for the year can only take place after these dreams/aims are put in place.

Concurrent with this effort is a similar examination of the twenty endeavors that allow one to choose from a variety of options that he would do right here, right now; while waiting.  The idea behind this would be to abandon any endeavor that is no longer desirable and replace it with another that may be more so.

It is often more convenient to stay with s.t. that is obsolete than make the changes necessary to embrace s.t. new.  I can tell that French and Sketching are two to which too little time is given but I don’t know what would take their place.  That is the point of making this analysis, is there s.t. else that would be more happily pursued than ignored and avoided?

Some endeavors are necessities, such as End Game, Financial, Fitness, Physical, and Yard and House, but all the others are “on the table” because examination and verification are the only way that one can be assured of moving towards what he wants.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Wisdom of Dreaming

It’s the fourth day of November and we just adjusted the clocks for standard time; that always conjures up an image of things coming to an end, the season being over, the cycle at its apogee.   It seems that way because we are in the closing months of the year,  the days are getting shorter, the sun is lower in the sky, the daily temperatures are getting lower, trees have lost their leaves, plants are going dormant or dying.  It evokes a frame of mind, the end of a cycle.

Yet we must recall that it is indeed a cycle and that this is neither an end nor a beginning but a natural progression of the passing of the present.  The game analogy doesn't fit because the game (life) isn't over, it isn’t finished,  the final reckoning hasn't taken place but it goes on and in a larger sense the cycle is eternal.

As I sit here and write this I am forcing myself to examine a process that I put in place about the time we went to Houston in 1985.  It consisted of making plans and setting goals on an annual basis and looking at it weekly to formulate objectives that would move toward the accomplishment of the larger annual goals.

It has been successful and after 25 or more years I can say it with confidence.  And yet one has to ask, to what degree has it been successful?  When one looks at an absolute scale of accomplishment, one can say that much more could have been done, more accomplishments, more fame, more fortune, more, more, more.  It is safe to say that what limits this one is his thinking.

The important realization that is being experienced here and now is that there is no end of the year.  There is no time limit set on what one wants to accomplish except those set by regulation and agreement with others, such as performance dates, tax reporting, license renewals, and start and end times of various events.

Our dreams, as we establish and pursue them, are a personal matter and not a matter of Goals, Objectives, Tasks, and the performance thereof; that comes later.  Rather they are stated desired end results  that become so well understood by the complete being that any and all pertinent personae are aware of them and working on them all the time.

We are part of the universal consciousness, which is collectively all of organized life, and things happen for us because we are tapped into it.  The clearer the dream, the more easily it is realized because we are more receptive to prompts from this universal consciousness. 

This phenomenon has been postulated as “The Secret” and the adherents of that as the complete answer would have one rely totally on concentration on dreams as the means of realizing them.  There are many examples of this and they are powerful endorsements of this concept. 

The setting of goals according to dreams, then plans and strategies to accomplish them is a cognitive process that adds to the probability of realizing dreams.  It is not, however, the only process that is in play.  There are other activities going on all around us that are also working toward the achievement of dreams.

Yet I look at the Ohio River and I can dream and concentrate from now on and there will never be a bridge over it.  The bridge comes when the dream is quantified, planned, and a viable strategy is put in place to accomplish it.  The same is true of individual dreams.  Universal consciousness may present opportunities for realizing them but the individual still has to do the work.

For dreams that don’t require quantification, that don’t require others to be involved on a conscious and rational basis, that are more of “state of being” rather than tangible results, they can be realized without an objective planning method.  As I look back on statements made over the years, it is obvious that I achieved that dream and went on, or achieved it and continue to enjoy it, or am still working to achieve it.  Then there are many more dreams that were achieved by setting specific goals, objectives, tasks, and accomplishing them according to some timetable.

While it is reaffirmed that there is no end of year in the cycle of life, it is still a good framework for reaffirming dreams and planning.  It must, however, be tempered with some judgment; such as staying open to opportunities that come one’s way and not be hidebound by statements made up to twelve months ago.

Such a framework also provides the basis for adjudging opportunities and the changes they may represent.  Without a well-constructed plan based on dreams and desires one could begin to meander through life with a new set of dreams and goals every other day.  When one has the aforementioned framework in place and is presented with what would seem to be a dramatic change of plan, one can quickly assess the possibilities that it represents and either embrace or refuse it.

Staying busy while waiting for opportunity to knock is also important.  It is to this end that one can develop a set of endeavors to be pursued; I have eighteen of them and they provide more than enough opportunity to be involved in doing something constructive as the present passes.  The only caveat that is necessary is that the priority of endeavors be maintained and Acting and Writing are more important than the others; in other words playing pool instead of going to rehearsal is not acceptable.

This has been a good exercise in examining what was considered to be ipso facto. Yet when questioned it came apart then back together again reaffirming what has been the practice but with some improvement.  The year is not the same as a game with a beginning and end of play but a continuing saga.  The realization of the pragmatic truth of realizing dreams; that a planning period is useful for reminding one of what he has set out to do and also be reminded to be flexible to embrace opportunities that arise.